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Church Directions


Rectory Phone:
(719) 545-2644


Rectory Fax:
(719) 544-0959


St. Anne's Catholic Church has several organizations that parishioners can be a part of. Below are the organizations of St. Anne's:

Finance Council
The complexity of modern parishes has led the Church to mandate the creation of Parish Finance Councils to assist the Pastor in a consultative role with his administrative duties with an emphasis upon the Christian stewardship of the goods entrusted to the Parish.

Finance Council Members are appointed solely by the Pastor for an expected three-year term. Parishioners interested in serving on the Finance Council should contact the Pastor, the Parish Secretary or the Council Chairman preferably in writing including a current resume. Council members need to be familiar with interpreting financial reports and investment statements along with general management experience in areas such as, for example, human resources, budgeting, print communications, and various types of insurance.

The duties of the Finance Council include:
• Identify, evaluate and formulate the parish’s needs for present and long range financial support.
• Assist in determining the best means of investing excess parish funds.
• Develop and maintain just and non-discriminatory salaries and benefits for Parish employees.
• Approve an annual operating and capital budget, and review their management during the applicable fiscal year.
• Keep current concerning all Diocesan policies regarding investments, fund raising, property sale, etc.
• Develop a system to keep Parishioners informed of the financial status of the Parish.

Parish Council
Serving on the council is a ministry to the whole parish. When considering membership on the council, the following criteria should be kept in mind.

Potential candidates should be:
• of proven faith
• with sound morals
• demonstrating the gifts of wisdom and prudence
• willing to commit their time, talent and wisdom in a consultative and collaborative manner.

Council members should have the ability to study and reflect prayerfully, and to recognize and respect the viewpoints of others. Members are required to attend monthly meetings of the council (from September until June). Considering the responsibility entrusted to them, Parish Pastoral Council members are expected to participate in an ongoing formation process.

The number of council members should consist of 6 members. They are appointed by the pastor.

Specifically, the Parish Pastoral Council's purpose is to enhance the process of:
• pastoral planning
• developing pastoral programs
• improving pastoral services
• evaluating the pastoral effectiveness of various programs and services

Religious Education


U.S. bishops urge Catholics to petition Congress to halt foreign funding freeze
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Parish Rectory

St. Anne's Parish RectorySt. Anne's Parish Rectory with new sign and paint job.

Parish Office
2701 E. 12th Street
Pueblo, CO 81001
9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Tues.- Fri.)
12 p.m. to 1 p.m. (Closed for Lunch)
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (Afternoon Hours)

Ph: 719-545-2644
Fax: (719) 544-0959


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Mass Schedule

Tues.: 8:30 a.m.
Wed.: 8:30 a.m.
​Thurs.: 12 p.m.
Fri.: 8:30 a.m.
Sat.: 4 p.m.
Sun.: 10 a.m.

About St. Anne's

St. Anne's Catholic Church is located in the Eastwood Heights neighborhood of Pueblo. The church was first tended to by the Benedictine Fathers of St. Leander's Parish. The building itself was a former Army chapel originally located on a World War II era base east of Pueblo.

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