Welcome to St. Anne Church!
Wintertime at St. Anne Catholic Church!
St. Anne Catholic Church is located in the Eastwood Heights neighborhood of Pueblo (2701 E. 12th Street). The church was first tended to by the Benedictine Fathers of St. Leander's Parish. The building itself was a former Army chapel originally located on a World War II.
St. Anne Church is named in honor of the Mother of Our Holy Mother Mary and Grandmother to Jesus. Bishop Joseph Willging dedicated the church July 29, 1956...Read More
Our Mass Schedule
Tues.: 8:30 a.m.
Wed.: 8:30 a.m.
Thurs.: 12 p.m.
Fri.: 8:30 a.m.
Sat.: 4 p.m.
Sun.: 10 a.m.
From the Desk of Fr. Joseph
The Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Feb. 8-9)
Dear Parishioners:
On this Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we reflect on: When we confess our sinfulness, we acknowledge God's power to forgive us. In today's readings, Isaiah and Simon Peter encounter God, and their immediate response is to acknowledge their own sinfulness. Isaiah declares his lips unclean, and Peter calls himself a sinful man. When we confess our sinfulness, we also acknowledge God's power to forgive us. To recognize that God is God, and we are not, is an act of praise. And it is this attitude of humility that puts us in a position to be forgiven and healed.
As Peter states in today's Gospel, "Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man."
In the Eastern Tradition, that beautiful prayer known as the "Jesus Prayer" which says, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Have Mercy on me, a sinner."
It is often said with the help of a prayer rope, called a chotki or komboskini in Greek. It is a way to align the soul with God's will, and to experience God's uncreated energies. It is a way to draw near to God and be united with Him.
In our sinfulness, God continues to embrace us with His love and His compassion. God continues to embrace us and welcomes us home!
Your brother in Christ
Father Joseph
Reconstruction of St. Anne's Gazebo Completed!
A-Var Electric installs lighting in the gazebo on Feb. 6, 2025The reconstruction of the gazebo at St. Anne's Church was completed the week of February 5th. The latest photos show the gazebo during the day and at night. Thanks to the following companies who contributed to make this project possble for St. Anne Church!! Casey Colletti of CXK Construction, Robert Montoya, Jr., and Robbie Montoya of Rock Ridge Landscaping Company of Pueblo and A-Var Electric Company. All pictures are courtesy of Father Joseph!
From the Desk of The Colorado Bishops
The Colorado Bishops’ have put out a joint Statement on Immigration: Welcoming the Stranger, Protecting the Common Good. Click the image below to read the letter.
New Stain Glass Windows Grace St. Anne's Church
When parishioners at St. Anne's come to the front of the church where the music is played during mass, they will notice new stained glass windows. They were installed on Tues., Jan. 28, 2025, by Casey Colletti of CXK Construction and TJ, James from Signature Glass Company (Photos courtesy of Fr. Joseph).
Catholic News Agency: Carlos Acutis Documentary Coming in Spring 2025
A new documentary film exploring the life of Blessed Carlo Acutis and the lessons he offers young people regarding the challenges of the digital world will be coming to theaters in the spring of 2025. Click the picture at right to read more!