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Church Directions


Rectory Phone:
(719) 545-2644


Rectory Fax:
(719) 544-0959


  • St, Anne Celebration Mass

    St. Anne & St. Joachim Celebration Mass on July 28

  • Procession of the Blessed Sacrament on St. Anne Feast Day

    Procession of the Blessed Sacrament on St. Anne & St. Joachim Feast Day

  • Parishioner Join Possession on Feast Day

    Parishioners Walk the Block in Honor of St. Anne

  • View of the Picnic Area

    A View of the Picnic Area on St. Anne Feast Day

  • Fr. Joseph Blessed Sacrament

    Fr. Joseph Carries the Blessed Sacrament on St. Anne & St. Joachim Feast Day

Below is a list of portfolio of events held at St. Anne's Catholic Church.


Easter Vigil 
Below are photos taken during the Easter Vigil Mass held at St. Anne Church on Holy Saturday, March 30, 2024 (photos courtesy of Isabel Diltz).

Lopez Construction Mounts St. Anne Icon
The icon of St. Anne graces the front of St. Anne Church. Mark Lopez and Art Lopez from Lopez Construction Company mount St. Anne icon on Holy Saturday (March 30, 2024)  (Photo courtesy of Fr. Joseph)

 New St. Anne Sign Created for Church
A new sign for St. Anne's Catholic Church was created by Bernadette Sanchez who is standing next to the statue of St. Anne in front of the church. St. Anne's is very grateful to Bernadette for taking time to design this beautiful sign! (Photos courtesy of Fr. Joseph)

Bernadette Sanchez


Palm Sunday

Fr. Joseph and Deacon Manny began Palm Sunday mass with the blessing of the palms outside the church then walked around the block before going inside for mass on March 23. (Photos courtesy of Isabel Diltz)

St. Anne's Youth Group Hold Burrito Sale
St. Anne’s Youth Group of The Little Way worked to make 300 burritos for The group's breakfast burrito fundraiser which was held on Saturday and Sunday after Palm Sunday mass (March 23). The group would like to thank all those who purchased burritos your support is greatly appreciated. Many blessings always.

Gino Carleo Makes Donation for Statues at St. Anne's Church

St. Anne's Catholic Church recently received a generous donation from Gino Carleo during the month of March, 2024, for the St. Anne and St. Michael the Archangel statues that adorn the church grounds.

Pueblo Artist Creates New Icon for St. Anne's Church

Pueblo Artist PJ Sierra created a new Icon of St. Anne's which will grace the front of St. Anne's Church.
PJ Sierra's roots are from the Eastside of Pueblo. PJ was born in 1981 and attended Bradford, Eva Baca and Parkview Elementary and furthered his education through Risley Middle School and East High School!  Participated with "La Gente" wrestling with John Madrid, Sr., something that "I am thankful for til this day!"

New Statue of St. Anne Graces Front of Church

When parishioners at St. Anne's enter at the front of the church, they will see a new statue of St. Anne's. The grotto for the statue was created by Larry Pacheco (Photos courtesy of Fr. Joseph).

Lopez Construction Improves Rectory Ground
St. Anne's Catholic Church rectory recently received a new facelift (paint job) via Lopez Construction Company of Pueblo during the month of March. (Photo courtesy of Fr. Joseph)

Poor Clare Sisters Visit New Home
Nuns from the Poor Clare Sisters received a tour of the new monastery under construction on March 7, 2024 (Photos courtesy of Frank Genova)


Sunday's Bible Message

When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.”
And Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.”
His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.”

– John 2:1-11

Prayer to St. Anne's


Good St. Anne, you were especially favored by God to be the Mother of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Savior. By your power with your most pure daughter and with her divine Son, kindly obtain for us the grace and the favor we now seek. Please secure for us also forgiveness of our past sins, the strength to perform faithfully our daily duties and the help we need to persevere in the love of Jesus and Mary.

Gallery of St. Anne Events

Click below to view yearly events held at St. Anne's Church


(Month of Sept)
(Month of July)
(Month of May)
(Month of April)
(Month of March)

Parish Rectory

St. Anne's Parish RectorySt. Anne's Parish Rectory with new sign and paint job.

Parish Office
2701 E. 12th Street
Pueblo, CO 81001
9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Tues.- Fri.)
12 p.m. to 1 p.m. (Closed for Lunch)
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (Afternoon Hours)

Ph: 719-545-2644
Fax: (719) 544-0959


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St. Anne's Bingo! Come, Play & Have Fun!


Saturdays at 12:30 p.m.
Located at 4109 Club Manor Dr.
Doors open at 10:30 a.m.

Mass Schedule

Tues.: 8:30 a.m.
Wed.: 8:30 a.m.
​Thurs.: 12 p.m.
Fri.: 8:30 a.m.
Sat.: 4 p.m.
Sun.: 10 a.m.

About St. Anne's

St. Anne's Catholic Church is located in the Eastwood Heights neighborhood of Pueblo. The church was first tended to by the Benedictine Fathers of St. Leander's Parish. The building itself was a former Army chapel originally located on a World War II era base east of Pueblo.

holy bible